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Our 2nd Battalion has been deployed in the National Training Centre, California. With 34 Battery Royal Artillery, 3 PARA, 2 PARA, Royal Engineers, Royal Marines, and Signallers forming the Battlegroup the battalion has worked alongside NATO allies as part of Pj CONVERGENCE.

With the US Army leading the way, 2 R YORKS stayed in lockstep as part of 1 Deep Recce Strike Brigade Combat Team to understand how we integrate our people and new tech into a multi national kill chain.

Here you see our Yorkshire Infanteers fighting from the 82nd Airbornes Infantry Squad Vehicle (ISV), supported by the weaponised unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and a UGV being used for rapid casualty extraction.

Royal Artillery Royal Marines Royal Corps of Signals 16 Air Assault Brigade U.S. Army

#yorkshire #infantry #outthink #outfight #chester #warminster #KillChain