As many will already be aware, the current Regimental Secretary Lt Col David O’Kelly, retires this month after 18 years of loyal and outstanding service.
The Regiment is pleased to announce that a successor has been found. Colonel Nigel Rhodes will take over the position in November. Nigel commissioned into the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment (West Riding) in 1991, serving as the Operations Officer, Adjutant and Corunna Company Commander during his time at Regimental Duty. Following a stint as the Training Major of the East and West Riding Regiment and then Staff College, he returned to the 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment (Duke of Wellington’s) as Alma Company Commander and then Battalion Second in Command. He has deployed on all the major operations during the last three decades, his final appointment before retirement being Commander British Forces in Iraq. Previously he was Commander Army North East and Yorkshire, which included a year as Commander 4th Infantry Brigade.
Nigel is a Yorkshireman, married to Liz and they have three grown up children. They live on the family farm in West Yorkshire.
Fortune Favours the Brave.
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