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The Royal Yorkshire has had a busy start to the Summer. Whether it is our 1st Battalion putting training in Oman into practice during Ex WESSEX STORM (of course finding time to watch the Euros). Our 2nd Battalion driving the Regimental activity during the Normandy 80 commemorations. Our 4th Battalion leading the way on Ex […]
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Our Regular and Reserve Battalions have been busy marching on the parade square as well as in some of Yorkshire’s great towns and cities. Colours are carried on all ceremonial parades and are seen as the spiritual heart of a Line Infantry Battalion. Here you can see the Colour Party of our 2nd Battalion formed […]
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Our Regular and Reserve Battalions have been busy marching on the parade square as well as in some of Yorkshire’s great towns and Cities. Central to the success of any parade is the Regimental Sergeant Major. He is the most senior and experienced soldier within the Line Infantry Battalion. Here you see WO1 RSM ‘Paddy’ […]
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Our 2nd Battalion has recently returned from several overseas experimentation and trials exercises. A formal parade was held in Chester to mark the Battalion being back in one place after a busy two years in Chester, the Regiment receiving its Royal Status, and to say farewell to Chester as they look ahead to moving to […]
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Last night was our first Gala event as the Royal Yorkshire Regiment with attendance from across the Regimental family, the wider Yorkshire and UK Community, and representatives from our Affiliated Regiments and Bonds of Friendship. We hosted our Gala event to celebrate our first year of holding Royal status. We would like to thank the […]
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Last week was a humbling sporting week for the Royal Yorkshire Regiment. In two rounds of the ‘War of the Roses’, on the Rugby Pitch and in the boxing ring, our friends from the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment won two nil. To close the week our Regimental Secretary had the privilege of presenting the Regimental […]
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Last week the band of the Royal Yorkshire Regiment performed at St Mary’s RC Cathedral in Middlesbrough. The event was free and part of the band’s drive to perform across the Royal Yorkshire Regiments home areas. This was done as part of a busy schedule for the band who had been performing in Halifax the […]
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Congratulations to WO1 Dyson who takes over as our 2nd Battalions Regimental Sergeant Major from WO1 Greenwood as the Battalion prepares to leave Chester. 2 R YORKS will be moving to their new home in Warminster over the summer. Good luck to WO1 Dyson and all the best to Mr Greenwood as he takes over […]
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On 15th March 2024 Corunna Company, from our 1st Battalion, handed over operational responsibilities under the UK Op SHADER commitment to our Union Division friends from 2 SCOTS. 1 R YORKS have maintained their operational outputs from June 2023 to March 2024. With Burma Company deploying first and then handing over to Corunna in September […]
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Our 2nd Battalion has been deployed in the National Training Centre, California. With 34 Battery Royal Artillery, 3 PARA, 2 PARA, Royal Engineers, Royal Marines, and Signallers forming the Battlegroup the battalion has worked alongside NATO allies as part of Pj CONVERGENCE. With the US Army leading the way, 2 R YORKS stayed in lockstep […]