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After a busy period of overseas exercises and operational deployments our 1st Battalion has been enjoying getting back into sport. Congratulations to Cpl Service from our 1st Battalion who completed the London Marathon in an impressive time of 2:58 running as part of the Army team. Fortune Favours The Brave. The Desert Rats – 7th […]
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Our 1st Battalion recently returned from overseas training that saw them conducting Live Fire Tactical Training (LFTT) in arduous terrain and with a level of realism, scale, and resourcing that tested even the soldiers of our Yorkshire Infantry. The 1st Battalion was also remaining a step ahead of itself to make sure that the ranges […]
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Follow the link below to watch our Yorkshire Infantry soldiers from the 1st Battalion Boxing in a rerun of the War of the Roses! Good luck the 1st Battalion! #fortunefavoursthebrave #yorkshire #infantry
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Congratulations to WO1 Dyson who takes over as our 2nd Battalions Regimental Sergeant Major from WO1 Greenwood as the Battalion prepares to leave Chester. 2 R YORKS will be moving to their new home in Warminster over the summer. Good luck to WO1 Dyson and all the best to Mr Greenwood as he takes over […]
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Welcome to Yorkshire’s Infantry to two new Officers, commissioned yesterday at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Seen here with Colonel Nigel Rhodes. 2nd Lieutenant Max House and 2nd Lieutenant Ben Duncalfe. British Army The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst The Desert Rats – 7th Light Mechanised Brigade #fortunefavoursthebrave #yorkshire #Infantry #leadfromthefront
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As much of the regiment broke up for Easter leave, our 1st Battalion said goodbye to WO2 Senior who leaves the regular Army after 26 years. Thank you for a lifetime of service and support to the Regiment. We wish you Rebecca, Kian and Niamh all the very best for future and hope that you […]
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The Yorkshire Infantry are proud to announce the following promotions to Warrant Officer Second Class. Gentlemen, congratulations from everyone in the regimental family. #fortunefavoursthebrave #yorkshire #infantry
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On 15th March 2024 Corunna Company, from our 1st Battalion, handed over operational responsibilities under the UK Op SHADER commitment to our Union Division friends from 2 SCOTS. 1 R YORKS have maintained their operational outputs from June 2023 to March 2024. With Burma Company deploying first and then handing over to Corunna in September […]
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Our 2nd Battalion has been deployed in the National Training Centre, California. With 34 Battery Royal Artillery, 3 PARA, 2 PARA, Royal Engineers, Royal Marines, and Signallers forming the Battlegroup the battalion has worked alongside NATO allies as part of Pj CONVERGENCE. With the US Army leading the way, 2 R YORKS stayed in lockstep […]
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Great to see our 2nd Battalion currently working alongside Dstl, industry, different British Army cap badges and, NATO allies in California to understand how best to utilise current and future kit. Royal Marines Royal Artillery Royal Corps of Signals 16 Air Assault Brigade #outthink #outfight #Yorkshire #infantry #combinedarms #chester